"Evolution Towards Global Routing Scalability," Varun Khare, Dan Jen, Xin Zhao, Yaoqing Liu, Dan Massey, Lan Wang, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) Special Issue on Internet Routing Scalability, 2010
"Safeguarding Data Delivery by Decoupling Path Propagation and Adoption," Mingui Zhang, Bin Liu, Beichuan Zhang, IEEE INFOCOM mini-conference, 2010
"Longitudinal Study of BGP Monitor Session Failures," Pei-chun Cheng, Xin Zhao, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), 2010
"The (in)Completeness of the Observed Internet AS-level Structure," Ricardo Oliveira, Dan Pei, Walter Willinger, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 2010
"Quantifying Path Exploration in the Internet," Ricardo Oliveira, Beichuan Zhang, Dan Pei, Rafit Izhak-Ratzin, Lixia Zhang, ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking (ToN), 17(2):445-458, 2009
"Multi-Commodity Flow Traffic Engineering with Hybrid MPLS/OSPF Routing," Mingui Zhang, Bin Liu, and Beichuan Zhang, IEEE Globecom 2009
"RequestPolicy: Increasing Web Browsing Privacy through Control of Cross-Site Requests," Justin Samuel and Beichuan Zhang, Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), 2009
"Towards a New Internet Routing Architecture: Arguments for Separating Edges from Transit Core," Dan Jen, Michael Meisel, He Yan, Dan Massey , Lan Wang, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang, ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets), 2008"Load-Balanced IP Fast Failure Recovery," Mingui Zhang, Bin Liu, Beichuan Zhang, IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations and Management (IPOM)}, 2008
" In Search of the elusive Ground Truth: The Internet's AS-level Connectivity Structure," Ricardo Oliveira, Dan Pei, Walter Willinger, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang, ACM SIGMETRICS, 2008.
"Geographically Informed Inter-domain Routing," Ricardo Oliveira, Mohit Lad, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang, IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 2007"Observing the Evolution of Internet AS Topology," Ricardo V. Oliveira, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang, ACM SIGCOMM, 2007
"A Scalable Routing System Design for Future Internet," Daniel Massey, Lan Wang, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang, ACM SIGCOMM IPv6 and the Future of the Internet Workshop, 2007
"Understanding Resiliency of Internet Topology Against Prefix Hijack Attacks," Mohit Lad, Ricardo Oliveira, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang, International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2007
"Net-X: Unified Data-Centric Internet Services," Praveen Rao, Justin Cappos, Varun Khare, Bongki Moon, Beichuan Zhang, Third International Workshop on Networking Meets Databases (NetDB '07), 2007
"Quantifying Path Exploration in the Internet," Ricardo V. Oliveira, Beichuan Zhang, Dan Pei, Rafit Izhak-Ratzin, Lixia Zhang, Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 2006"Security Through Publicity," Eric Osterweil, Dan Massey, Batsukh Tsendjav, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang, Workshop on Hot Topics in Security (HotSec), 2006
"PHAS: A Prefix Hijack Alert System," Mohit Lad, Dan Massey, Dan Pei, Yiguo Wu, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang, USENIX Security Symposium, 2006
"Universal IP Multicast Delivery," Beichuan Zhang, Wenjie Wang, Sugih Jamin, Daniel Massey, Lixia Zhang, Computer Networks, special issue on Overlay Distribution Structures and their Applications, Volume 50, Issue 6, p781-806, April 2006
"An Analysis of Convergence Delay in Path-Vector Routing Protocols," Dan Pei, Beichuan Zhang, Daniel Massey, Lixia Zhang, Computer Networks, Volume 50, Issue 3, p398-421, February 2006
"Measurement of Highly Active Prefixes in BGP," Ricardo V. Oliveira, Rafit Izhak-Ratzin, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang, IEEE GLOBECOM, 2005"Identifying BGP Routing Table Transfer," Beichuan Zhang, Vamsi Kambhampati, Mohit Lad, Daniel Massey, Lixia Zhang, ACM SIGCOMM Mining the Network Data (MineNet) Workshop, 2005
"Timer Interaction in Route Flap Damping," Beichuan Zhang, Dan Pei, Daniel Massey, Lixia Zhang, International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2005. (the Best Paper Award)
"The Impact of Link Failure Location on Routing Dynamics: A Formal Analysis," Xiaoliang Zhao, Beichuan Zhang, Andreas Terzis, Daniel Massey, Lixia Zhang, ACM SIGCOMM Asia Workshop, April, 2005
"Collecting the Internet AS-level Topology," Beichuan Zhang, Raymond Liu, Daniel Massey, Lixia Zhang, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR) special issue on Internet Vital Statistics, Volume 35, Issue 1, p53-61, January, 2005
"IPv4 Address Allocation and BGP Routing Table Evolution," Xiaoqiao Meng, Zhiguo Xu, Beichuan Zhang, Geoff Huston, Songwu Lu, Lixia Zhang, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR) special issue on Internet Vital Statistics, Volume 35, Issue 1, p71-80, January, 2005
2004 and before
"Destination Reachability and BGP Convergence Time," Beichuan Zhang, Daniel Massey, Lixia Zhang, Global Internet and Next Generation Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM, 2004"Fault-Tolerant Data Delivery for Multicast Overlay Networks," Vasileios Pappas, Beichuan Zhang, Andreas Terzis, Lixia Zhang, International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2004
"An Analysis of BGP Update Burst during Slammer Attack," Mohit Lad, Xiaoliang Zhao, Beichuan Zhang, Daniel Massey, Lixia Zhang, International Workshop on Distributed Computing (IWDC), 2003
"DIP: A Scalable Soft-State Protocol for Large Scale Data Dissemination in IDMaps System," Yixin Jin, Beichuan Zhang, Vasileios Pappas, Sugih Jamin, Lixia Zhang, IEEE Symposiums on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 2003
"Universal IP Multicast Delivery," Beichuan Zhang, Sugih Jamin, Lixia Zhang, International Workshop on Networked Group Communication (NGC), 2002
"Host Multicast: A Framework for Delivering Multicast to End Users," Beichuan Zhang, Sugih Jamin, Lixia Zhang, IEEE INFOCOM, 2002
"UAV Aided Intelligent Routing for Ad-Hoc Wireless Network in Single-Area Theater," Daniel Lihui Gu, Guangyu Pei, Henry Ly, Mario Gerla, Beichuan Zhang, Xiaoyan Hong, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2000
"On the Use of Measured Round-Trip Time as Internet Distance Metric," Beichuan Zhang, Sugih Jamin, Lixia Zhang, UCLA-CSD Technical Report, 2000
"ETCP: Extended TCP for Mobile IP Support," Beichuan Zhang, Bing Zhang, Irene Wu, Internet Draft, 1998
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